Homily delivered by His Excellency Monsignor Luciano Russo,

Apostolic Nuncio in Rwanda.

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Reverend Fr. Zbigniew Pawlowski, Rector of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho,

Reverend Fr. Romuald, Regional Superior of the Pallottin Fathers

Reverend Fr. Martin and Fr. Gonzales, the General House in Rome,

Reverend priests - concelebrants,

Dear Religious,

Dear Christians and pilgrims here present.

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It is with great joy that i preside over this solemn Eucharistic celebration on the occasion of the installation of the relics of St. Pope John Paul II at the Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho.

I thank and salute in a special way Rev. Father Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Kibeho and the Bishop of Gikongoro, for inviting me to this great spiritual initiative on the eve of the anniversary of the canonization St. Pope John Paul II.

The presence of the relics of a saint in this church is surely a cause for joy and spiritual graces, but when it is of Saint John Paul II, this acquires even a greater value and a more spiritual meaning, given that it is now 25 years since Pope John Paul II visited Rwanda.

Today, with the official inauguration of his relics in our midst, it is as if Pope John Paul II has returned for the second time in this country. We will have other occasions to highlight the Pope's visit 25 years ago during other celebrations and events, but the presence of his relics here at Kibeho is a clear sign of the love and devotion that this Saint had for Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Word.

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The fact, therefore, of having his relics here, assures us of his protection, when we think of his courage and his testimony as a genuine follower of Jesus Christ. It is an encouragement for us all as the Church, to follow him on the path of holiness and self-dedication. He left no stone unturned in order to proclaim the Good News to all especially in his journeys to all the corners of the world.

As you know, we are still in the Easter season and the readings of this 4th Sunday help us to meditate on the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ, the foundation of our faith and our Christian hope: Jesus of Nazareth, the Crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to Simon.

The gospel presents to us the figure of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, the true and only Shepherd of our souls. It is He who presents himself, who reveals himself and for his disciples to understand fully what he means, he uses the words of everyday language, and of his time: the language of the Pastor.

Jesus wishes to emphasize that he is not any shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd! He is the one who gives his life for his sheep. He is the cornerstone that the builders rejected but which became the cornerstone, as we read in the Acts of the Apostles in the first reading.

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The text of the Scripture narrates the testimony of Saint Peter before the rulers and elders in Jerusalem, following the healing of the lame. Pierre said very frankly that "Jesus is the stone that was rejected [...] but that has become the cornerstone"; and he adds on: "Without him, there is no salvation. And his name, given to men, is the only one which can save us "(vv. 11-12).

Saint Peter says clearly that no one can save us except Jesus Christ. And he said, "There is no other name under heaven given to men by whom it is asserted that we are saved." Jesus is the bridge that links God to men; He is the only mediator who brings us to the Father; He is the foundation of our faith.

Nowadays it is not easy to distinguish the voice of the Lord, the voice of the Good Shepherd who calls his sheep and leads them on safe routes to the truth. Sometimes we run the risk of confusing the voice of the Lord, or lose it, because of different noises of the world. Often it happens to us Christians to follow other voices, other than of Christ, which deceive us and lead us to an illusory and short-lived happiness. So it is a duty for all of us who are called to live in the world without being of the world, to distinguish the voice of the true shepherd from the one of false shepherds.

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In the second reading St. John tells us of the fruit of Christ's Passover; and this fruit is that through Him we have become children of God. Listening to John we wonder at this gift: not only are we called children of God, but "we really are" (v. 1). Indeed, the condition of being children of God is the fruit of the saving work of Jesus through his incarnation, his death and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit. He introduced man to a new relationship with God, the same relationship that He has with the Father. This is why the risen Jesus said: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and you’re God" (Jn 20, 17). It is a relationship already fully present, but not yet fully manifested: it will be so at the end, when - God willing - we shall see his face as it is (cf. v. 2).

According to the tradition, this is the Vocations’ Sunday. We pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In his message for this year, Pope Francis invites us to meditate on the theme of the vocation which leads to holiness. "Vocation and holiness with the touch of Beauty" (Gaudium Evangilii, 167; 264).

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Vocation and holiness strongly belong together. When we speak of vocation and holiness, it affects the life of every person, because we are all called to holiness.

Vocations and holiness: this is an educational itinerary that begins with the experience of beauty, thanks to having been touched by Beauty ... touched by God himself.

With you, it's beautiful! This refers to a relationship, a way that "attracts" our look and transforms it into our look of faith able to recognize the beauty of the Lord, which continues today to call, to saw seeds of vocation in abundance!

Let us pay attention to the Pope's intentions, and with all the Catholic Church, let us pray for good and holy vocations. Let us ask the Lord to give us wise pastors who know how to lead his flock, which is the Church. We pray for holly priests and religious that they may know how to answer with joy and courage the Lord's call, taking the example of Saint Pope John Paul II whose relics will be installed today in this Marian Sanctuary.

Nyagasani Yezu n’abane namwe! - The Lord be with you!

Contact Info

Sanctuary Our Lady of Kibeho
B.P. 341 Butare / Rwanda
Central Africa
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