Letter of gratitude,
During the apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary to the three girls in Kibeho (28.11.1981-28.11.1989), she often emphasized that her message was addressed to the whole world.
I am pleased, that this message has also reached to polish people and it has flourished in the hearts of them. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Father Andrzej Laskosz CSsR, the rector of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Star of New Evangelization and St. John Paul II. Sanctuary in Torun in Poland, for taking the initiative and inviting believers to pray the Rosary of the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary each Tuesday and Friday of Lent.
The meditation upon sorrows of the Virgin Mary is closely linked to the Mystery of Christ’s cross. It also reveals our individual role in the Salvation plan of God through the acceptance of our own sufferings.
This truth has been revealed to the contemporary world through the message of Mother of Word of Kibeho, who has addressed us also those words:
“Meditate the Rosary of sorrows of the Virgin Mary"
“Endure sufferings in order to help Jesus to save the world"
“Accept your sufferings with faith and joy"
“Nobody will enter into heaven without sufferings"
“The child of Mary accepts its sufferings"
May the number of wonderful initiatives, similar to the one of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Star of New Evangelization and St. John Paul II. Sanctuary in Torun, increase in all the sanctuaries dedicated to the Virgin Mary. May her last message to the world, recognized by the Church, be accepted and put in practice for the happiness of the human kind.
Ks. Zbigniew Pawłowski, SAC
Rector of Sanctuary of Our Lady of Kibeho