Prayer to our Lady of Kibeho
Blessed Virgin Mary,
mother of the Word,
mother of all those who believe in him
and welcome him into their lives,
we have come here before you to contemplate you.
We believe that you are among us,
as a mother with her children,
even if can not see you with our eyes.
You are a sure path,
which leads us to Jesus the Saviour.
We bless you for all the good
things that you continue to give us,
especially, because you consented to appear
in a miraculous way at Kibeho
at the time when our world
needed you so much.
Gives us always the light and the strength,
we need to eagerly welcome your call
to convert ourselves,
to repent and to live
according to the Gospel of your Son.
Teach us to pray without hypocrisy
and to love one another as He loved us,
so that, as you have asked us,
we might always be like beautiful flowers
with beautiful perfume spreading everywhere.
O Holy Mary,
Our Lady of Sorrows,
teach us to understand the value of the Cross in our lives.
By offering our sufferings to his,
help us to complete in our own flesh what is missing
in the sufferings of Christ in favour of his mystical body,
which is the Church.
And when our pilgrimage here on earth has ended,
we will live forever with you in the Kingdom of heaven. Amen.
Imprimatur: Gikongoro, 25th March 2006
Augustin Misago, Bishop of Gikongoro
Prayer to our Lady of Kibeho (N° 2)
Lord our God,
we thank you for the good things which you always give,
and your infinite goodness in sending us the Blessed Virgin Mary,
mother of the Word so that she may come to bring us back to the good path
that Jesus Christ your Son showed us.
She asked us to repent,
to confess our sins and to pray without hypocrisy.
However we have disobeyed,
hardened our hearts, and this has been the source of our misfortune.
Thus, Lord our God, we beseech you through Jesus Christ your Son,
to have mercy on us and forgive us.
Lord, have mercy on us (3 times while striking the chest)
And you our mother,
Virgin Marie mother of the Word,
we thank you for having accomplished the mission of God,
for your patience toward us in suffering
by shedding lots of tears
when you saw that we refused to receive the message that you brought.
But, from this time, we commit ourselves
to be faithful children by doing all that the Lord tells us,
by following the advice that you gave us here at Kibeho,
and by fortifying the love to transform ourselves
into beautiful flowers whose scent is pleasant everywhere for everyone.
Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word, pray for us!
Cum approbatione ecclesiastica
+ Augustin Misago, Bishop of Gikongoro
1st October 2007